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West African


Sunjata Keita - Also known as Simbon, Jata… Son of Sogolon and founder of the Mali Empire. He led the army that defeated Sumaworo and the army of Soso. Essentially, he grows up in exile, serves another king, then begins quarreling with the Soso. THe people plead for Sunjata to go back and take his rightful throne from Sumaworo, who sends Sumanguru to kill Sunjata.

Sumaworo Kante - Son of Bali Kante, ruler of Soso. He is associated with the stringed instruments and the bala, which he acquired from the genies. He is the ruler of the Mande peoples while Sunjata is in exile.

Sogolon - Sunjata's mother, sister to the Buffalo Woman and Do Kamissa.


Two brothers/hunters, Abdu Karimi and Abdu Kassimu, arrive Manden, where Maghan Konfara is the ruler or mansa. The king cannot conceive a son. He tries and tries, but he cannot. When the two brothers arrive, he sends them to kill a white buffalo that is plaguing a neighboring village, promising them their choice of wives if they do.

Along the way the two brothers meet the Buffalo Woman, a shapechanger. She tells them she is fated to die by their hands and has two requests: one is not to let anyone see her body after she dies, and two that they must choose her ugly sister, Sogolon, for their bride-prize.

The brother kill the Buffalo Woman and marry Sogolon, but neither can conceive with her. SO, they give her over to Maghan Konfara. And that is how Sunjata came to be born.

Sogolon is despised by the other brides. Sunjata is born with mobility issues. He tries to walk but cannot until he is seven years old. He is so strong that he bends his fathers iron staff, and later turns it into a bow. Finally, he is able to walk and show up all the haters. '

When he is older some locals try to kill him, but they mistakenly kill a slave boy instead. Sogolon, fearing the other wives, and Sunjata both leave and go into exile. Sogolon bribes a ferryman with a bracelet to get them across the river and away.

Sogolon and Sunjata stop in a place called Soso, where they meet Sumaworo Kante. Sumaworo has received a prophecy that a man will break the taboo of sitting in Sumaworo's hammock.Sure enough, Sunjata sits in the hammock and Sumaworo knows Sunjata will come to lead the Mande people. So, he banishes Sunjata and becomes the main atagonist.

Sumaworo recounts his experience with some genies and his sister, Fakoli, sacrifices herself so that Sumaworo can receive the bala. This is why Sumaworo is associated with string instruments and the bala, a type of xylophone.

Sumaworo, fearing Sunjata has returned, eventually wants Sunjata dead. He sends men out looking for him, lays waste to his own Mande kingdom nine times, kills all the men, but still can't find Sunjata.

Meanwhile, Sogolon seeks to give Sunjata three things: the sorcery horse, the sorcery bow, and the sorcery mask. Sunjata's brothers quarrel over whether or not this is fair. Sogolon tells them the items must all be together or Sunjata won't be able to ride the Sorcery horse. In the end, Sunjata's brother takes the mask, but his other brother does not take anything. In return, Sunjata gives that brother a magic ring that will protect them against genies and humans. The ring is later worn by hunters in real life because of this story.

Sogolon suddenly dies, and the three brothers stop in Nema to bury her. They ask the ruler, Faran Tunkara, for some land to bury her in. Sunjata's brother gets angry waiting for the request to be fulfilled. Eventually Tunkara buries Sogolon.

Tunkara is worried about Sunjata's legacy and that he will invade Nema if he becomes ruler of the Mande. So, Tunkara sets out to kill Sunjata and ambushes him. By this time, Sunjata has followers. His brother dies and Sunjata gets the sorcery mask. After he survives the ambush, he takes Tunkara's men as part of his army.

Sunjata finally reveals his own dalilu, or magic when he commands teh waters and he and his men reach Mande in a canoe. Sunjata is celebrated for his return and the Mande people welcome him back. They have grown tired of Sumaworo's evilness.

The character of Fakoli is introduced. Fakoli is a little man and teh others make fun of him for it. He proves his strength by lifting the roof off a building. He is torn between siding with Sunjata or Sumaworo. In the end he decides he doesn't want to die, so he goes back to Soso.

Sumaworo sends troops to kill Fakoli, but he turns himself and his men invisible and escapes to Soso. Fakoli approaches Sumaworo with peace in mind. A bizarre cooking contest takes place between Sumaworo's 333 wives and Fakoli's one wife, who ends up baking 333 dishes by herself. Sumaworo takes his wife and Fakoli goes back to Manden, then later leaves and starts his own hamlet. HE'll ally with Sunjata for the big battle later on.

Sunjata travels to meet Kamanjan with sixty men following him. Kamanjan is having a nighttime meeting, and Sunjata uses magic to extinguish all their torches, then lights his own, which burns extremely bright. Kamanjan and Sunjata get into a magical show-off contest, and Sunajta's sister tells him to stop or Kamanjan won't help him against Sumaworo. Kamanjan ends up askign for his sisters hand in marriage, and Sunjata acquiesces under the promise that Kamanjan will treat the Mande people with respect.

Sunjata is convinced to go to the Negoboriyans before attacking Sumaworor. When he does, he finds SUmaworo has built walls around all his cities. Musketeers gunned down Sunjata's men and he retreats back to Manden. Sumaworo loses his sacred drum in the battle.

Sunjata trades his sorcery horse for a sorcery mare, and calls for volunteers to go to battle. The entire army is comprised of sorcerers and the occult.

Sumaworo starts killing the Mande people in battles and wearing their skin as clothes.

Sunjata and Sumaworo meet at the Battle of Dakajalan. They exchange pleasantries, Sumaworo tries to poison Sunjata with snuff, but it doesn't even phase him. The whole thing breaks down into a back-and-forth of insults until they finally start fighting one another. They duel and bend their swords, they fire muskets at each other and nothing can wound Sunjata. Sunjata returns to his army and the battle begins.

During the fray there is a chase on horseback. They must all jump a giant ravine and Sumaworo fails to do so. Trapped int he ravine, Sunjata taunts him. When Sumaworo asks for Sunjata to come down and kill him, Sunjata refuses and leaves him stuck in the ravine to die. Later, Fakoli just can't stand it and he goes back and puts his axe blade in Sumaworo's head.

Sunjata seeks to replace all the horses the Mande people lost and sends horsebuyers to meet with Jolofin Mansa. Jolofin beheads most of them, steals the horses, and sends one messenger back with an insult about Mande people walking on four legs.

Sunjata wants to take the army and kill Jolofin. Turama'an digs his own grave and threatens to commit suicide if Sunjata won't give him the army to command. He ants to keep Sunjata out of the action altogether. Sunjata acquiesces and gives him the army.

Turama'an leads the army into battle against Jolofin. Jolofin escapes, turns himself into a crocodile and hides in a cave. Cornering Jolofin, Turama'an asks for a volunteer to go in and flush the crocodile out. Diawara volunteers and the crocodile swallows him whole. But he stabs the crocodile from the inside and cuts his way out. They drag the carcass back to Sunjata and the war is finally over.

sunjatta_a_west_african_epic_of_the_mande_peoples.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/08 22:03 by jl