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Speculative Sexualities Look Ahead In foregrounding diverse sexualities, the comics bildungsromane of both Lee Marrs and Roberta Gregory presciently revise rhetorics and forms, but, as outsider feminist theorists, they were also interested in exploring the pressures of the time in the space of the page. As examples of that, both produced dystopian comics about the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) as the state ratification process started to slow down. Gregory included her three-page “Liberatia” as a postscript in Dynamite Damsels (Grego- ry 1976, 30-32), while Marrs produced the four-page “Equal Rites” for Wimmens Comix #8, an issue that was very explicitly thinking about time: the cover not only included an image of a cyborgian twenty-first-century woman but also reminded the reader that this was “the return of Wim- mens Comix , which had been dormant for seven years (Marrs 1983). Both comics imagine the cultural change around the ERA as erupting into apoc- alypse, and both tales are told by female narrators from the distant future who, along with other women, have escaped to form a peaceful, monogen- der society. These visions suggest that the current trajectory of feminism cannot support a society filled with more than one gender. The principle of equal rights is impossible along this one taut binary. Speaking back to this, Marrs' and Gregory s bildungsromane create a more capacious vi- sion for feminism that need not result in complete separatism and that can embrace and support other disenfranchised identities. (218-219)

galvan_margaret.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/12 21:17 by jl