Out of Chaos
The First Order
Erebus, Nyx
Gaia, Tartarus, and Gaia’s children
The Second Order
Gaia and Ouranos’s children — 6 males and 6 females, Cyclopes, Hecatonchires
Kronos’s crime
Birth of Aphrodite and other creatures from Ouranos’s DNA
Establishment of the Titans
Birth of Kronos and Rhea’s children, including Zeus
Part Two: The Beginning
Clash of the Titans
The Muses
The Charites/Three Graces
The Horai
The Moirai/Fates
The Keres
The Gorgons
Atlas’s punishment
Kronos’s punishment
The Third Order
Double wedding: Zeus and Hera, Aphrodite and Hephaestus
The bee and its sting
Metis as a fly, and Zeus
Birth of Athena
Birth of Artemis and Apollo
Birth of Hermes
Establishment of the Olympians
Creation of humans
Prometheus’s gift of fire
The Golden Age
The Punishments
Pandora and her jar
Afterlife (Hermes, Tartarus, Hades, Thanatos, Charon)
Prometheus’s punishment
Persephone and the Chariot
Kidnapping of Persephone, Hades’s trick, and the start of the seasons
Hermaphroditus and Silenus
Cupid and Psyche
The Erotes
Psyche’s life and how she met Eros
Io and Zeus
Death of Argus
Athena and Athens
Phaeton’s absent father, Apollo
Death of Phaeton and birth of the mute swan
The search for Europa
Creation of the alphabet
Killing of the Ismenian Dragon
Creation of Thebes
Cadmus and Harmonia, and the cursed necklace
Twice Born
Semele and Zeus (disguised)
Hera’s revenge
Birth of Dionysus
The Beautiful and the Damned
Actaeon angering Artemis
Erysichthon angering Demeter
The Doctor and the Crow
Birth of Asclepius and medicine
Asclepius and Epione’s children
Athena’s gift and Asclepius’s death
Crime and Punishment
Ixion and the Wheel of Ixion
Tantalus’s crime
Sisyphus’s tricks in life and death
Niobe and the Weeping Rock
The musical competition between Apollo and Marsyas
The weaving competition between Arachne and Athena
Birth of the first spider
More Metamorphoses
Nisus and Scylla, the sea-eagle and the gull
Callisto the bear
Procne and Philomela, the swallow and the nightingale
Ganymede and Zeus
Selene, Cephalus and Procris
The Lailaps and Alopex Teumesios paradox
Endymion and Selene
Eos and Tithonus The Bloom of Youth
Hyacinthus, Apollo and Zephyrus
Crocus and Smilax
Aphrodite and Adonis
Echo and Narcissus
Tiresias the seer
Narcissus’s oracle
Echo’s lie and Hera’s revenge
Narcissus and Echo’s meeting
Pyramus and Thisbe: star-crossed lovers
Acis and Galatea
Origin of the Ekdusia festival
Leucippos, Daphne and Apollo
Galatea and Pygmalion
Hero and Leander
Arion and the Dolphin Philemon and Baucis, or Hospitality Rewarded Phrygia and the Gordian Knot Midas (and his gold fingers)