Comic Book Adaptation/Convergence


This list is basically list of the adaptation and convergence culture theory that is applicable specifically to comic book materials. A lot of the list touches on the cultural impact these comics have, others deal with the theories of adaptation and process in comic books. Convergence culture and adaptation studies are a big crossover area. I am interested in the way fans interact with comic books, and some of the choices are meant t reflect the audience participation side of things. This part is also covered by both adaptation studies and convergence culture.

Alaniz, Jose. Death, Disability, and the Superhero: The Silver Age and Beyond 2014

Averett, Paige. “The Search for Wonder Woman: An Autoethnography of Feminist Identity.” 2009

Babb, Valerie. “The Past is Never the Past: The Call and Response Between Marvel’s Black Panther and Early Black Speculative Fiction“ 2020

Ball, Jennifer L. "The Wonder of Wonder Woman." 2016

Bendis, Brian Michael. Word for Pictures 2014.

–“LTC: episode 6 - Brian Michael Bendis.” 2013. Podcast

–“Exclusive Interview: Brian Michael Bendis.” 2016

Boillat, Alain “Perspectives on Cinema and Comics: Adapting Feature Films into French-Language Comics Serials during the Post-War Years.” 2017

Brown, Jeffrey A. “Comic Book Masculinity and the New Black Superhero.” 1999

Chute, Hillary Disaster Drawn 2016

– Graphic Women 2010

– Why Comics? Harper Collins 2017

Cocca, Carolyn. “Negotiating the Third Wave of Feminism in Wonder Woman” 2013

Connors, Sean P. “Altering Perspectives: How the Implied Rear Invites Us to Rethink the Difficulty of Graphic Novels.” 2012

Cook, Roy t. “Underground and Alternative Comics,” 2017

D’Agostino, Anthony Michael. “Flesh-to-Flesh Contact”: Marvel Comics’ Rogue and the Queer Feminist Imagination” 2018

Dalbeto, L. do C. and Oliveira, A.P. “Oh My Goddess: Anthropological Thoughts On the Representation of Marvel’s Storm and the Legacy of Black Women in Comics.” 2015

D'Amore, Laura Mattoon. “Invisible Girl's Quest for Visibility: Early Second-Wave Feminism and the Comic Book Superheroine.” 2008

Diego, Maggi. “Orientalism, Gender, and Nation Defied by an Iranian Woman: Feminist Orientalism and National Identity in Satrapi's Persepolis and Persepolis 2.” 2020

Donaldson, S. Olivia. “A Comic-Book Look at Cosmopolitanism and Feminism: Let's Talk about Marjane Satrapi's Broderies.” 2018

Eisner, Will. Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative: Principles and Practices from the Legendary Cartoonist 2008

—Comics and Sequential Art, 2008

—Expressive Anatomy for Comics and Narrative, 2008

Frangos, Mike Classon. “Liv Strömquist's Fruit of Knowledge and the Gender of Comics.” 2020

Galvan, Margaret. “Feminism Underground: The Comics Rhetoric of Lee Marrs and Roberta Gregory.” 2015

Gibson, Richard. “Graphic illustration of impairment: science fiction, Transmetropolitan and the social model of disability.” 2020.

Grady, William, “Western Comics,” 2017

Hermann, Kathryn. Manga Cultures and the Female Gaze 2020

Holmes, Martha Stoddard. “Cancer Comics: Narrating Cancer through Sequential Art.” 2021.

Inge, Thomas, “Origin of Early Comics ad Proto-Comics,” 2017

Johnson, Michael A. “Autobiographical Comics,” 2017

de Landro, Valentine. “Process for Bitch Planet Triple Feature cover,” 2021

Little, J. N. “Feminist ethical development: From wonder woman to wondering woman.” 2005

McCloud, Scott. Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art. 1993

Miranda-Barreiro, David “From Pioneer of Comics to Cultural Myth: Castelao in Galician Graphic Biography.” 2021

Molotiu, Andrei, “Art Comics,” 2017

Ogburn, C. “Disability in comic books and graphic narratives.” 2017

Pavlat, Eric. “Proto-Comics: The Proto-History of Comic Books Before 1933.” 1995-1996

Postema, Barbara, “Silent Comics,” 2017

Robinson, Lillian S. “Wonder Women: Feminisms and Superheroes.” 2004

Scott, Suzanne. “The Hawkeye Initiative: Pinning Down Transformative Feminisms in Comic-Book Culture through Superhero Crossplay Fan Art.” 2021.

Shrestha, Promina, “Nepali Women in Comics.” 2020

Smith, Scott T. and Jose Alaniz. Uncanny Bodies: Superhero Comics and Disability 2019

Streeby, Shelley. “Heroism and Comics Form: Feminist and Queer Speculations.” 2018

Wood, Andrea. “Making the Invisible Visible: Lesbian Romance Comics for Women.” 2021.

Williams, Keira V. “From Oz to Amazon Island: The Popular Evolution of American Matriarchalism” 2017.