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Oedipus Rex and Sophocles Relevance to Amazons

It is primarily the Freudian psychology that makes it relevant to Amazonian research. Freudian psychology informs a lot of 2nd wave feminism. The entire concept of Laura Mulvey's and Teresa de Laurentis' “The Gaze” is based on this Freudian psychology. As a result, this opens the door to all sorts of feminist criticism of how the female body is objectified, what we might call phallus-spotting in everything, and how men perpetuate a patriarchal society. While much of this will give way to third wave theories, the 2nd wave feminists were often militant and presented themselves as a pseudo-Amazonian force to be reckoned with. The Boston Women's Health Collective is one example.

oedipus_relevance.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/12 22:08 by jl