====== Visual/Rhetoric Specialty Area 2 ====== === Rationale === This is the rhetoric and visual rhetoric list (Visual/Rhetoric). It compiles all the major works for rhet-comp-type rhetorical philosophy. I have brought in a few pieces that address racial and ethnic qualities of rhetoric. There are pieces to support the concept of a comic book discourse community. Other pieces help address convergence culture and adaptation studies in determining adaptation strategies and why they were employed. The visual rhetoric just piggy backs off of classic rhetoric. Half of the visual rhetoric list is just terminology and jargon, the other half is people applying the theory to specific projects. ---- [[Anzaldua, Gloria.]] “From Borderlands/La frontera.” 2001 [[Aristotle]] Rhetoric [[Berger, John]] Ways of Seeing 1972 [[Blair, Anthony J.]] “The Rhetoric of Visual Arguments.” 2006 [[Brandt, Deborah.]] "Sponsors of Literacy." 1998 [[Burke, Kenneth.]] A Grammar of Motives 1945. --- [[A Rhetoric of Motives]] 1950. [[Butler, Judith]] Gender Trouble 1990 [[Campbell, George]] “From The Philosophy of Rhetoric.” 2001 [[Dolmage, Jay Timothy.]] Disability Rhetoric 2014. [[Eyman, Douglas.]] Digital Rhetoric- Theory, Method, Practice. 2015 [[Fell, Margaret.]] “Women’s Speaking Justified, Proved and Allowed by the Scriptures.” 2001 [[Fiske, John.]] “Television- Polysemy and Popularity.” 1986 [[Foucault, Michel.]] “From The Archaeology of Knowledge.” --- “From the Order of Discourse.” --- “What is an Author?” [[Graban, Tarez Samra.]] Women's Irony - Rewriting Feminist Rhetorical Histories 2015 [[Gries, Laurie E.]] Still Life with Rhetoric - A New Materialist Approach for Visual Rhetorics. 2015. [[Helmers, Marguerite.]] “Framing the Fine Arts Through Rhetoric,” 2006 [[Hill, Charles.]] “The Psychology of Rhetorical Images.” 2006 [[Kress, Gunther]] and Theo van Leeuwen. Reading Images- The Grammar of Visual Design 2006 [[Leeuwen, Theo van.]] Discourse and Practice- New Tools for Critical Discourse Analysis 2008 ---“New Forms of Writing, New Visual Competencies.” 2008 [[Middleton, Michael, et al.]] Participatory Critical Rhetoric - Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for Studying Rhetoric In Situ 2015 [[https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-irony-1691859|Nordquist, Richard. "What is Rhetorical Irony?"]] [[Porter, James E.]] "Intertextuality and Discourse Community." 1986 [[Postman, Neil.]] Amusing Ourselves to Death- Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business. 1985. [[Rhetorical Tradition- Readings from Classical Times to Present,]] 2001. [[Rice, Jeff.]] Digital Detroit- Rhetoric and Space in the Age of the Network 2012 [[Salazar, Philippe-Joseph.]] "Our Rhetorical Tradecraft." 2019 [[Spencer, Herbert.]] “From The Philosophy of Style.” [[Swales, John.]] "The Concept of Discourse Community." 1990 [[Verene, Donald Phillip.]] "Rhetorical Philosophy in a Difficult and Dangerous Time." 2020 [[Whately, Richard.]] “From Elements of Rhetoric.” 2001