====== Comic Book Adaptation/Convergence ====== ==== Rationale ==== This list is basically list of the adaptation and convergence culture theory that is applicable specifically to comic book materials. A lot of the list touches on the cultural impact these comics have, others deal with the theories of adaptation and process in comic books. Convergence culture and adaptation studies are a big crossover area. I am interested in the way fans interact with comic books, and some of the choices are meant t reflect the audience participation side of things. This part is also covered by both adaptation studies and convergence culture. ---- [[Alaniz, Jose.]] Death, Disability, and the Superhero: The Silver Age and Beyond 2014 [[Averett, Paige.]] "The Search for Wonder Woman: An Autoethnography of Feminist Identity." 2009 [[Babb, Valerie.]] “The Past is Never the Past: The Call and Response Between Marvel’s Black Panther and Early Black Speculative Fiction" 2020 [[http://ultimatehistoryproject.com/wonder-woman.html|Ball, Jennifer L. "The Wonder of Wonder Woman." 2016]] [[Bendis, Brian Michael]]. Word for Pictures 2014. --"LTC: episode 6 - Brian Michael Bendis." 2013. Podcast --"Exclusive Interview: Brian Michael Bendis." 2016 [[Boillat, Alain]] "Perspectives on Cinema and Comics: Adapting Feature Films into French-Language Comics Serials during the Post-War Years." 2017 [[Brown, Jeffrey A.]] “Comic Book Masculinity and the New Black Superhero.” 1999 [[Chute, Hillary]] Disaster Drawn 2016 -- Graphic Women 2010 – Why Comics? Harper Collins 2017 [[Cocca, Carolyn]]. “Negotiating the Third Wave of Feminism in Wonder Woman” 2013 [[Connors, Sean P.]] “Altering Perspectives: How the Implied Rear Invites Us to Rethink the Difficulty of Graphic Novels.” 2012 [[Cook, Roy t.]] “Underground and Alternative Comics,” 2017 [[D’Agostino, Anthony Michael]]. “Flesh-to-Flesh Contact”: Marvel Comics’ Rogue and the Queer Feminist Imagination" 2018 [[Dalbeto, L. do C. and Oliveira, A.P.]] “Oh My Goddess: Anthropological Thoughts On the Representation of Marvel’s Storm and the Legacy of Black Women in Comics.” 2015 [[D'Amore, Laura Mattoon]]. "Invisible Girl's Quest for Visibility: Early Second-Wave Feminism and the Comic Book Superheroine." 2008 [[Diego, Maggi]]. "Orientalism, Gender, and Nation Defied by an Iranian Woman: Feminist Orientalism and National Identity in Satrapi's Persepolis and Persepolis 2." 2020 [[Donaldson, S. Olivia]]. "A Comic-Book Look at Cosmopolitanism and Feminism: Let's Talk about Marjane Satrapi's Broderies." 2018 [[Eisner, Will]]. Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative: Principles and Practices from the Legendary Cartoonist 2008 ---Comics and Sequential Art, 2008 ---Expressive Anatomy for Comics and Narrative, 2008 [[Frangos, Mike Classon.]] "Liv Strömquist's Fruit of Knowledge and the Gender of Comics." 2020 [[Galvan, Margaret]]. “Feminism Underground: The Comics Rhetoric of Lee Marrs and Roberta Gregory.” 2015 [[Gibson, Richard]]. “Graphic illustration of impairment: science fiction, Transmetropolitan and the social model of disability.” 2020. [[Grady, William]], “Western Comics,” 2017 [[Hermann, Kathryn]]. Manga Cultures and the Female Gaze 2020 [[Holmes, Martha Stoddard]]. “Cancer Comics: Narrating Cancer through Sequential Art.” 2021. [[Inge, Thomas]], “Origin of Early Comics ad Proto-Comics,” 2017 [[Johnson, Michael A.]] “Autobiographical Comics,” 2017 [[de Landro, Valentine]]. “Process for Bitch Planet Triple Feature cover,” 2021 [[Little, J. N.]] "Feminist ethical development: From wonder woman to wondering woman." 2005 [[McCloud, Scott]]. Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art. 1993 [[Miranda-Barreiro, David]] "From Pioneer of Comics to Cultural Myth: Castelao in Galician Graphic Biography." 2021 [[Molotiu, Andrei]], “Art Comics,” 2017 [[Ogburn, C.]] "Disability in comic books and graphic narratives." 2017 [[https://www.amazon.com/Proto-Comics-Proto-History-Comic-Books-Before-ebook/dp/B0143LALBE|Pavlat, Eric. “Proto-Comics: The Proto-History of Comic Books Before 1933.” 1995-1996]] [[Postema, Barbara]], “Silent Comics,” 2017 [[Robinson, Lillian S.]] "Wonder Women: Feminisms and Superheroes." 2004 [[Scott, Suzanne.]] “The Hawkeye Initiative: Pinning Down Transformative Feminisms in Comic-Book Culture through Superhero Crossplay Fan Art.” 2021. [[Shrestha, Promina]], “Nepali Women in Comics.” 2020 [[Smith, Scott T. and Jose Alaniz]]. Uncanny Bodies: Superhero Comics and Disability 2019 [[Streeby, Shelley]]. “Heroism and Comics Form: Feminist and Queer Speculations.” 2018 [[Wood, Andrea]]. “Making the Invisible Visible: Lesbian Romance Comics for Women.” 2021. [[Williams, Keira V.]] “From Oz to Amazon Island: The Popular Evolution of American Matriarchalism” 2017.