====== Adaptation Studies/Convergence Culture Specialty ====== ==== Rationale ==== I divided the adaptation studies and convergence culture up into two lists: 1a, this list, and 1b is all the comic book adaptation stuff in a list of its own. This list covers adaptation studies and convergence culture entries. There is so much crossover between the two it was just easier to put the convergence culture in with these. This list will cover the theoretical aspects of the adaptation process in general. What is parody, bio-evolutionary evolution of memes, etc. This list is heavier on the adaptation studies materials because I am looking at that angle more than the corporate control over intellectual property. ---- [[Boal, Augusto]] Theatre of the Oppressed 1979 [[Borham-Puyal, Miriam.]] “New Adventures in Old Texts: Gender Roles and Cultural Canons in Twenty-First-Century Mash-Ups” 2018 [[Bortolotti, Gary, R. and Linda Hutcheon. “On the Origin of Adaptations: Rethinking Fidelity Discourse and ‘Success’: Biologically.” 2007 [[Bryce, Jane]] “African Futurism: Speculative Fiction and ‘Rewriting the Great Book’” 2019 [[Burke, Liam. The Comic Book Film Adaptation : Exploring Modern Hollywood's Leading Genre 2015 [[Burnett, Joshua Yu.]] “Isn’t Realist Fiction Enough?’: On African Speculative Fiction” 2019 [[Cattrysse, Patrick]] "Cultural Transduction and Adaptation Studies: The Concept of Cultural Proximity." 2017 [[Connelly, Kelly]] “Defeating the Male Monster In Halloween and Halloween H20.” 2007 [[Cowie, Elizabeth]] “Woman as Sign” Feminism and Film" 2000 [[Diehl, Laura]] “American Germ Culture: Richard Matheson, Octavia Butler, and the (Political) Science of Individuality.” 2013 [[Dillender, Kirsten]] “Land and Pessimistic Futures in Contemporary African American Speculative Fiction” 2020 [[Doane, Mary Ann]] “Woman’s Stake: Filming the Female Body.” 2000 [[Eschholz, Sarah; Bufkin, Jana; Long, Jenny.]] “Symbolic Reality Bites: Women and Racial/Ethnic Minorities in Modern Film.” 2002 [[Fell, Margaret]] “Women’s Speaking Justified, Proved and Allowed by the Scriptures.” 2001 [[Fiske, John]] “Television: Polysemy and Popularity.” 1986 [[Grossman, Julie]] Literature, Film, and Their Hideous Progeny: Adaptation and Elaxtextity. [[Hampton, Gregory J.]] Changing Bodies in the Fiction of Octavia Butler: Slaves, Aliens, and Vampires 2010. [[Hansen, Miriam]] “Pleasure, Ambivalence, Identification: Valentino and Female Spectatorship.” 2000 [[Helford, Elyce Rae]] “The Stepford Wives and the Gaze.” 2006 [[Hutcheon, Linda]] A Theory of Adaptation ---A Theory of Parody. [[Jenkins, Henry]] Convergence Culture ---Comics and Stuff, New York UP, 2020 ---Fans, Bloggers, and Gamers, New York UP, 2006. [[Johnston, Claire]] “Women’s Cinema as Counter Cinema” 1987 [[Leitch, Thomas]] "What Isn't a Cross-Cultural Adaptation, and, if You Know that, then what Isn’t a Cross-Cultural Text?" English Literature, no. 5, 2018. [[Mosley, Walter]] “Black to the Future” 1998 [[Öz, Seda]] "‘Bakhtinian Contextuality’ in Adaptation Studies: Screen Robinson Subverting the Source." 2016 [[Rice, Jeff]] Digital Detroit: Rhetoric and Space in the Age of the Network 2012 [[Salazar, Philippe-Joseph]] "Our Rhetorical Tradecraft." 2019 [[Sanders, Julie]] Adaptation and Appropriation. 2006 [[Spencer, Herbert]] “From The Philosophy of Style.” 2001 [[Swales, John]] "The Concept of Discourse Community." 1990 [[Verene, Donald Phillip]] "Rhetorical Philosophy in a Difficult and Dangerous Time." 2020 [[Whately, Richard]] “From Elements of Rhetoric.” The Rhetorical Tradition: Readings from Classical Times to Present]] 2001 [[Zwinger, Lynda]] "Blood Relations: Feminist Theory Meets the Uncanny Alien Bug Mother." 1992 ---- ==== Oxford Handbook of Adaptation Studies, Ed. Thomas Leitch, Oxford UP, 2017 ==== [[Ellestrom, Lars]] “Adaptation and Intermediality.” [[Hassler-Forest, Dan]] “Roads Not taken in Hollywood’s Comic Book Movie Industry: Popeye, Dick Tracy, and Hulk.” [[Hattnher, Alvaro]] “Zombies are Everywhere: The Many Adaptations of a Subgenre” [[Johnson, Davis]] “Adaptation and Fidelity.” [[Jones, William B. Jr.]] “Classics Illustrated and the Evolving Art of Comic-Book.” [[Meikle, Kyle]] “Adaptation and Interactivity.” [[Newell,Kate]] “Adaptation and Illustration: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach.” [[Stam, Robert]] “Revisionist Adaptation: Transtextuality, Cross-Cultural Dialogism, and Performative Infidelities.” [[Voigts, Eckart]] “Memes and Recombinant Appropriation: Remix, Mashup, Parody.” [[Wilhite, Keith]] “Adaptation and Revision.” [[Wong, Wendy Siuyi]] “The History of Hong Kong Comics in Film Adaptations: An Accidental Legacy.” ---- ==== Routledge Companion to Adaptation. Eds. Dennis Cutchins, Katja Krebs, and Eckart Voigts, Routledge, 2018 ==== [[Cardwell, Sarah]] “Pause, rewind, replay: adaptation, intertextuality and (re)defining adaptation studies.” [[Cook, Malcolm and Max Sexton]] “Adaptation as function of Technology and its Role in the Definition of Medium Specificity.” [[Demory, Pamela]] “Queer Adaptation.” [[Elliot, Kamilla]] “The theory of badadaptation.” [[Krebs, Katja]] “Adapting Identities: Performing the self.” [[Szwydky, Lissette Lopez]] “Adaptations, culture-texts and the literary canon: on the making of nineteenth-century classics.” [[Demory, Pamela]] “Queer Adaptation.” [[Voigts, Eckart]] “Memes, GIFs, and Remix Culture: Compact Appropriation in Everyday Digital Life.”