Table of Contents


A valkyrie who has been asleep for years, imprisoned by her own armor. When Sigurth frees her, she tells him her story. Two kings were fighting, Agnar and Hjalm-Gunnar, and Odin had promised victory Hjalm-Gunnar. Sigerdrifa killed Hjalm-Gunnar in battle, and in retaliation Odin shot her with a sleep thorn ( Crawford 253). She proceeds to give Sigurth advice on how to act and behave in the world in return for her freeing him.


Brynhild is usually portrayed as a Valkyrie or shield-maiden. She is Attila the Hun's sister. Sigurth disguises himself as Gunnar to woo her. He even sleeps with a sword between them because he is already married. After his death at the hands of Gotthorm, she commits suicide by stabbing herself with his sword and burning on his funeral pyre with him.

In another poem, she is burned on a wagon covered in cloths and is said to have ridden long the road to Hel. She tells of teh story in which she killed Hjalmgunnar, which leads a lot of scholars to believe Brnynhild and Sigerdrifa are the same person. Odin puts her to sleep for the same reason (Crawford 290).


SHe is the giant daughter of the giant King Thiazi, who ruled Thrymheim, the storm-home. When Thiazi chases after Idun (and her golden apples), the gods kill him. Skadi is furious.She swears vengeance and she “donned a coat of mail and a helmet and chose the finest of her father's weapons: a sword engraved with magic serpentine patterning, a spear with a shaft of ash,a circular shield covered with hide and inlaid with birds of prey” (Crossley Holland 44). She goes to Asgard to kick somebody's butt, and the gods wanting nothing more to do with the whole affair, offer her marriage to one of them. She also demands that someone make her laugh. Odin decrees that she must pick her husband by his feet, and all of the gods hide behind screens with just their feet showing. She wanted to pick Balder, so she picks the most shapely feet. It turns out to be Njord, “lord of seafarers and sea harvests” (45). Then Loki proceeds to tie a strap around his testicles and pretend the other end is tied to a goat to make her laugh. Odin casts her father's eyes into the heavens to become stars and always watch over her.

Njord and her don't get along. They can decide where to live so they agree to live at each other's place for nine days at a time. Eventually Njord can't take living in stormy Thrynheim, so they live separately, but stay married.

When Loki is bound, Skadi is the one who hangs a vile snake over his head to drip poison down on him.

Skadi is a type of ice goddess, and she is associated with skiing in particular. There are also references to snow shoes.

Source: Crossley-Holland, Kevin, The Norse Myths


She is a giant that Freyja tricks into reciting the family lineage of Ottar's family. Ottar is Freyja's lover, but she denies that this is the case, and the whole time Ottar is disguised as her giant boar that she rides. Hyndla recites the lineage perfectly and Freyja demands she give Ottar the memory-beer. Hyndla basically calls Freyja a whore, saying “you leap around at night like Heidrun cavorting with a herd of goats” (Crossley-Holland 102).Heidrun is the goat that gives Asgard a neverending supply of meed from its teets. When Hyndla refuses, Freyja encompasses her in a girdle of fire, Hyndla acquiesces and gives them the memory-beer, claiming it is poisonous.


The mother of monsters, she is secretly married to Loki. Together they have Jormungand the serpent, Fenrir the wolf, and Hel, a quiet, polite girl.


The daughter of a berserk chief, she spent several years of her youth as a bandit killing people in the forest for their possessions. HEr grandfather makes some attempt to reign her in, but some of his slaves make fun of her and so she goes on a Viking quest to prove her worth.

She boldly enters her dead fathers' burial chamber to retrieve his sword and ends up in a contest of wills with the misogynist ghost. Eventually he gives it to her. She becomes a pirate for awhile, then eventually returns and marries. She retires, but her granddaughter will take up arms as a shield-maiden, “keeping up the family tradition of unconventional behaviour” (64). Source Valkyrie by fridhriksdottir_johanna_katrin


From the Saga of Eirik the Red by Rev. John Sephton

Summary Link

At that time there was a great dearth in Greenland; those who had been out on fishing expeditions had caught little, and some had not returned. There was in the settlement the woman whose name was Thorbjorg. She was a prophetess (spae-queen), and was called Litilvolva (little sybil). She had had nine sisters, and they were all spae-queens, and she was the only one now living. It was a custom of Thorbjorg, in the winter time, to make a circuit, and people invited her to their houses, especially those who had any curiosity about the season, or desired to know their fate; and inasmuch as Thorkell was chief franklin thereabouts, he considered that it concerned him to know when the scarcity which overhung the settlement should cease. He invited, therefore, the spae-queen to his house, and prepared for her a hearty welcome, as was the custom whereever a reception was accorded a woman of this kind. A high seat was prepared for her, and a cushion laid thereon in which were poultry-feathers. Now, when she came in the evening, accompanied by the man who had been sent to meet her, she was dressed in such wise that she had a blue mantle over her, with strings for the neck, and it was inlaid with gems quite down to the skirt. On her neck she had glass beads. On her head she had a black hood of lambskin, lined with ermine. A staff she had in her hand, with a knob[13] thereon; it was ornamented with brass, and inlaid with gems round about the knob. Around her she wore a girdle of soft hair, and therein was a large skin-bag, in which she kept the talismans needful to her in her wisdom. She wore hairy calf-skin shoes on her feet, with long and strong-looking thongs to them, and great knobs of latten at the ends. On her hands she had gloves of ermine-skin, and they were white and hairy within. Now, when she entered, all men thought it their bounden duty to offer her becoming greetings, and these she received according as the men were agreeable to her. The franklin Thorkell took the wise-woman by the hand, and led her to the seat prepared for her. He requested her to cast her eyes over his herd, his household, and his homestead. She remained silent altogether. During the evening the tables were set; and now I must tell you what food was made ready for the spae-queen. There was prepared for her porridge of kid's milk, and hearts of all kinds of living creatures there found were cooked for her. She had a brazen spoon, and a knife with a handle of walrus-tusk, which was mounted with two rings of brass, and the point of it was broken off. When the tables were removed, the franklin Thorkell advanced to Thorbjorg and asked her how she liked his homestead, or the appearance of the men; or how soon she would ascertain that which he had asked, and which the men desired to know. She replied that she would not give answer before the morning, after she had slept there for the night. And when the (next) day was far spent, the preparations were made for her which she required for the exercise of her enchantments. She begged them to bring to her those women who were acquainted with the lore needed for the exercise of the enchantments, and which is known by the name of Weird-songs, but no such women came forward. Then was search made throughout the homestead if any[14] woman were so learned. Then answered Gudrid, “I am not skilled in deep learning, nor am I a wise-woman, although Halldis, my foster-mother, taught me, in Iceland, the lore which she called Weird-songs.” “Then art thou wise in good season,” answered Thorbjorg; but Gudrid replied, “That lore and the ceremony are of such a kind, that I purpose to be of no assistance therein, because I am a Christian woman.” Then answered Thorbjorg, “Thou mightest perchance afford thy help to the men in this company, and yet be none the worse woman than thou wast before; but to Thorkell give I charge to provide here the things that are needful.” Thorkell thereupon urged Gudrid to consent, and she yielded to his wishes. The women formed a ring round about, and Thorbjorg ascended the scaffold and the seat prepared for her enchantments. Then sang Gudrid the weird-song in so beautiful and excellent a manner, that to no one there did it seem that he had ever before heard the song in voice so beautiful as now. The spae-queen thanked her for the song. “Many spirits,” said she, “have been present under its charm, and were pleased to listen to the song, who before would turn away from us, and grant us no such homage. And now are many things clear to me which before were hidden both from me and others. And I am able this to say, that the dearth will last no longer—the season improving as spring advances. The epidemic of fever which has long oppressed us will disappear quicker than we could have hoped. And thee, Gudrid, will I recompense straightway, for that aid of thine which has stood us in good stead; because thy destiny is now clear to me, and foreseen. Thou shalt make a match here in Greenland, a most honourable one, though it will not be a long-lived one for thee, because thy way lies out to Iceland; and there, shall arise from thee a line o[15]f descendants both numerous and goodly, and over the branches of thy family shall shine a bright ray. And so fare thee now well and happily, my daughter.” Afterwards the men went to the wise-woman, and each enquired after what he was most curious to know. She was also liberal of her replies, and what she said proved true. After this came one from another homestead after her, and she then went there. Thorbjorn was invited, because he did not wish to remain at home while such heathen worship was performing. The weather soon improved when once spring began, as Thorbjorg had said, Thorbjorn made ready his ship, and went on until he came to Brattahlid (the steep slope). Eirik received him with the utmost cordiality, saying he had done well to come there. Thorbjorn and his family were with him during the winter. And in the following spring Eirik gave to Thorbjorn land at Stokknes, and handsome farm buildings were there built for him, and he dwelt there afterwards.