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is the Queen of the Amazons. She is the daughter of Ares, god of war, and Ortrera. Her sisters are Hippolyta, Melanippe, and Antiope. Wiki Link She appears in the Aethiopis (600 BCE?), Virgil's Aenid (29-19 BCE), and Kleist's adaptation (1808 CE).


Mother of Hestia, Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, Hera, all of which Kronos ate because he feared one of them would overthrow and kill him. So Rhea fled and Ouranos and Gaia both hatached a plan with ehr. She went to the goat Amalthea and the nymph Meliae. They got a big loadstone and swaddled it. Rhea pretends to be in labor, sure enough Kronos comes, snataches up the fake-baby and eats it. When he leaves, teh still pregnant Rhea slips off to create where eh goat and teh nymph help her give birth to Zeus. (Fry 26-29)


God of the hunt, wilderness, childbirth, and chastity. She is the god of the Amazons in Greek Mythology. She is the twin sister of Apollo. She is usually depicted as an extraordinary archer.

“Zeus loved Artemis almost as much as he loved Athena and took great pains to protect her from the wrath of Hera” (Fry 91).

According to Fry, when Artemis was a child, Zeus loved her so much she had him wrapped around her finger. SHe asks for several wishes from Zeus. The first being chastity, “I never want to have a boyfriend or husband or have a man touch me” (Fry 93). By the time she i sdone she “Goddess of the chase and the chaste, of the untutored and the untamed, of hounds and hinds, of midwives and the moon, Artemis duly became” (Fry 93).


She is the Queen of the Amazons. Retrieving Hippolyta's Girdle is the 9th labor of Hercules. At first he woos her and they fall in loe. But Hera disguises herself as an Amazon and sews seeds of distrust. The Amazons attack Hercules and his men and Hercules kills Hippolyta and takes her girdle.

In other versions Hippolyta is basically abducted and taken by Hercules friend, Theseus.


Odysseus and his men land on the island of Aeaea, where Circe lives in a welcoming, lush home. Odysseus' men are lured into the home where she feeds them foods laced with all sorts of magic herbs. Then she takes out her wand and turns them all into pigs and puts them in her pigsty. Odysseus receives a magic herb from HErmes to protect him from Circe's magic. When her magic won't work on him he charges at her with a sword. She falls to her knees and begs for mercy. She turns his men back into men, then proceeds to tell him how to avoid the sirens, Scylla the giant with six heads who snatches men off their ships, and Charybdis,a giant who drinks up and exhales all the waters between two cliffs.

Source: Rhoda A Hendricks. Classical Gods and Heroes: Myths as Told by the Ancient Authors,Morrow Quill Paperbacks, 1974.