Psyche and Cupid

is long and involved story in which Venus tries to prevent Cupid from loving the mortal Psych. Basically, Psyche is married off to Cupid, but she does not know who he is. He is not meant to be seen by mortal eyes. There is a nefarious plot in which her sisters conspire against her to get her wealth, and in the end she sees who cupid is. She is playing with his bow and arrows when she pricks her finger. Her love for Cupid is amplified to the point of madness. She wounds Cupid with hot oil during sex and he flees. She embarks on a quest that takes her to the underworld to retrieve a magic box. she opens it and is overtaken by the sleep that is held within. Seeing this, Cupid flies to her aid, sacrificing his own health in doing so. Eventually the gods agree their love is too great and has withstood all of Venus' interference, so they make Psyche a god so that she and Cupid can be together for eternity.

Psyche is an interesting character because she does not fit the typical warrior woman archetype, yet she is clearly sent on a dangerous quest.