Heracles' 9th Labor

Hippolyta stiffened. ‘I hope it is not to drag Hippolyta in chains before that vile tyrant?’ ‘No, no … not that. It’s this girdle …’ He looked down at the belt circling his arm. ‘His daughter, Admete, sent me to fetch it. But now that I have met you I cannot find it in my heart to …’ ‘Is that all? It is yours, Heracles. Accept it gladly as my gift to you. One warrior to another.’ ‘But it was a gift from your father, Ares the god.’ ‘And now it is a gift from your lover Hippolyta the woman.’ ‘They say that its wearer is invincible in battle. Can this be true?’ ‘I have worn it since I was fourteen and I have never been defeated.’ ‘Then I have no right …’ ‘Please. I insist.(81)