[[https://www.amazon.com/hz/mycd/digital-console/contentlist/booksAll/dateDsc/|Kindle Link]] ====== Table of Contents ====== ===== Part One: The Beginning ===== Out of Chaos > Chaos The First Order > Erebus, Nyx > Gaia, Tartarus, and Gaia’s children The Second Order > Gaia and Ouranos’s children — 6 males and 6 females, Cyclopes, Hecatonchires > Kronos’s crime > Birth of Aphrodite and other creatures from Ouranos’s DNA > Establishment of the Titans > Birth of Kronos and Rhea’s children, including Zeus Part Two: The Beginning Clash of the Titans > Titanomachy > The Muses > The Charites/Three Graces > The Horai > The Moirai/Fates > The Keres > The Gorgons > Nymphs > Atlas’s punishment > Kronos’s punishment The Third Order > Double wedding: Zeus and Hera, Aphrodite and Hephaestus > The bee and its sting > Metis as a fly, and Zeus > Birth of Athena > Birth of Artemis and Apollo > Birth of Hermes > Establishment of the Olympians ==== Part One: The Toys of Zeus ==== Prometheus > Creation of humans > Prometheus’s gift of fire > The Golden Age The Punishments > Pandora and her jar > Afterlife (Hermes, Tartarus, Hades, Thanatos, Charon) > Prometheus’s punishment Persephone and the Chariot > Kidnapping of Persephone, Hades’s trick, and the start of the seasons > Hermaphroditus and Silenus Cupid and Psyche > The Erotes > Psyche’s life and how she met Eros === Part Two: The Toys of Zeus === Mortals > Io and Zeus > Death of Argus > Athena and Athens Phaeton > Phaeton’s absent father, Apollo > Death of Phaeton and birth of the mute swan Cadmus > The search for Europa > Creation of the alphabet > Killing of the Ismenian Dragon > Creation of Thebes > Cadmus and Harmonia, and the cursed necklace Twice Born > Semele and Zeus (disguised) > Hera’s revenge > Birth of Dionysus The Beautiful and the Damned > Actaeon angering Artemis > Erysichthon angering Demeter The Doctor and the Crow > Birth of Asclepius and medicine > Asclepius and Epione’s children > Athena’s gift and Asclepius’s death Crime and Punishment > Ixion and the Wheel of Ixion > Tantalus’s crime Sisyphus > Sisyphus’s tricks in life and death Hubris > Niobe and the Weeping Rock > The musical competition between Apollo and Marsyas Arachne > The weaving competition between Arachne and Athena > Birth of the first spider More Metamorphoses > Nisus and Scylla, the sea-eagle and the gull > Callisto the bear > Procne and Philomela, the swallow and the nightingale > Ganymede and Zeus > Selene, Cephalus and Procris > The Lailaps and Alopex Teumesios paradox > Endymion and Selene Eos and Tithonus The Bloom of Youth > Hyacinthus, Apollo and Zephyrus > Crocus and Smilax > Aphrodite and Adonis Echo and Narcissus > Tiresias the seer > Narcissus’s oracle > Echo’s lie and Hera’s revenge > Narcissus and Echo’s meeting Lovers > Pyramus and Thisbe: star-crossed lovers Galateas > Acis and Galatea > Origin of the Ekdusia festival > Leucippos, Daphne and Apollo > Galatea and Pygmalion > Hero and Leander Arion and the Dolphin Philemon and Baucis, or Hospitality Rewarded Phrygia and the Gordian Knot Midas (and his gold fingers)